Company Overview

  • Name: Dream Client
  • Industry: Gaming (Minecraft Modding/Hacking Community)
  • Product: A hacking client used within the Minecraft community, allowing users to gain unfair advantages within the game.

Breach Details

  • Date of Breach: July 30, 2024
  • Threat Actor: IntelBroker (Moderator at BreachForums)
  • Forum: BreachForums, a notorious platform for trading and selling stolen data.
  • Data Compromised:
    • User Records: 28,000 users
    • Personal Information:
      • Full Names
      • Email Addresses
      • Payment Details
      • Discord Logs
      • Usernames
      • Hardware IDs
  • Breach Announcement: The threat actor posted the database for sale on a hacker forum, advertising it to the broader cybercriminal community.

Threat Actor Profile: IntelBroker

  • Role: Moderator on BreachForums
  • Forum Activity:
    • Posts: 1,494
    • Threads Started: 272
    • Joined Date: June 2023
    • Reputation: 4,157
  • Status: They are highly active and reputable within the hacking community, which makes this breach particularly concerning due to their influence and reach.
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