Threat Actor Profile of: 888

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Threat Actor 888 is a hacker active in 2024, targeting companies for data breaches. They've hit Microsoft, BMW (Hong Kong), and others in the tech, freight, and oil & gas industries.


Title Date Impact Details References
Microsoft Data Breach 2024 High Confidential data compromised, impacting multiple users and internal operations. Cybersecurity News
BMW (Hong Kong) Data Breach 2024 Moderate Customer data leaked, including personal and financial information. Cloudways Blog
Shell Data Breach 2024 High 80,000 records exposed, including sensitive corporate data. Medium Article
Shopify Data Breach July 3, 2024 High 179,873 rows of user information exposed. Data including Shopify ID, names, email, mobile, orders count, total spent, email subscription details, SMS subscription details. BreachForums
Good Smile Data Breach July 22, 2024 High 184,245 rows of customer data exposed. Data including customer ID, names, email, nickname, status, IP, gender, login type, and address. BreachForums
CuidatePlus Data Breach June 21, 2024 High 201,826 users' data exposed. Data including ID, email, names, surname, locality, province, community birth date, profession, specialty. BreachForums
Riyadh Airport Employees Data Breach May 31, 2024 High 864 employees' data exposed. Data including employee number, full name, email address, mobile number. BreachForums
Nokia Data Breach July 8, 2024 High 7,622 rows of employee details exposed. Data including names, job title, company name, email, phone numbers, industry, location, creation time. BreachForums
Decathlon (Spain) Data Breach May 27, 2024 High 6,644 employees' data exposed. Data including employee email addresses, headquarters, transportation activities. BreachForums
Alpha Capital Group Data Breach June 14, 2024 High 240,646 records of data exposed. Data including payment ID, transaction ID, user ID email, payment type, amount in dollars, user ID profile country, promo coupon name, account login ID, challenge name, and creation date. BreachForums
Microsoft Data Breach July 9, 2024 High 2,073 Microsoft employees' information exposed. Data including names, job title, email, phone numbers, LinkedIn URL, company website, location, company phone number, email verification status, and timestamps. BreachForums
UNICEF Data Breach April 27, 2024 High Data from 11 countries compromised. Data including admins, names, addresses, phone numbers, education level, longitude, latitude, and more. BreachForums
Adams and Reese LLP Data Breach April 12, 2024 High 566,229 records exposed. Data including names, cities, phone numbers, emails, addresses, education, memberships, court admissions, LinkedIn profiles, and more. BreachForums
Heineken Data Breach June 2, 2024 High 8,174 employees' data exposed. Data including IDs, user IDs, names, email addresses, company, and roles. BreachForums
Accenture (India) Data Breach June 19, 2024 High 32,826 employees' data exposed. Data including email addresses, full names, and broadcast dates. BreachForums
Credit Suisse Data Breach June 25, 2024 High 19,000 users' data exposed. Data including customer names, email addresses, employee codes, dates of birth, genders, policy names, relationships, dates of joining, effective dates, statuses, and entities. BreachForums
Kintetsu World Express Data Breach April 25, 2024 High 819 members' data exposed. Data including names, email addresses, locations, and countries. BreachForums
Ramen Kuroda Data Breach May 25, 2024 High 26,052 customers' information exposed. Data including first name, last name, email, mobile number, birthdate, gender, RK total points, RK annual points, RK available points, RK wallet balance, total spent, tier level, and more. BreachForums
Robinsons Malls Data Breach June 1, 2024 High 107,000 records of user data exposed. Data including full name, email address, mobile number, birthday, gender, province, city, and date registered. BreachForums
Audi Data Breach May 24, 2024 High 21,896 lines of customer data exposed. Data including dealer code, dealer name, customer ID, account number, customer name, address, city, state, ZIP, phone, DMS email, email validity, supplementary emails, segment, shop type, shop specialty, distance, last invoice date, days last invoice, average monthly sales, return percent, and more. BreachForums
India Export Data Breach April 21, 2024 High 317,000 records of export data exposed. Data including dates, cities, countries, shipping bill numbers, addresses, ports, currencies, quantities, units, descriptions, Indian exporters, Indian ports, foreign ports, invoice numbers, total values, and more. BreachForums
Nestle Data Breach May 2, 2024 High 4,409 lines of employee data exposed. Data including full names and email addresses of employees. BreachForums
El Carnicero Data Breach April 24, 2024 High 28,634 members' data exposed. Data including IDs, names, emails, group, phone numbers, C.P., country, region, customer since. BreachForums
AsiaLove Data Breach April 20, 2024 High 651,000 users' data exposed. Data including names, country, phone numbers, emails, genders, dates of birth, messages exchanged, users' weight, IP addresses, devices, and more. BreachForums
Find My Freelancer Data Breach April 18, 2024 High 5,500 users' data exposed. Data including emails, IP addresses, user agents, user ID, hashed passwords, display name, and more. BreachForums Data Breach April 16, 2024 High Nearly 90,000 members' data exposed. Data including emails, usernames, birth year, language, location, and more. BreachForums Data Breach April 15, 2024 High 43,000 records exposed. Data including customer names, emails, shipping address, shipping information, billing address, payment method, pickup location code, and more. BreachForums Data Breach January 28, 2024 High 15 million records exposed. Data including telephone numbers, full names, residential addresses, passport details, INN, and dates of birth. BreachForums Data Breach August 23, 2023 High Data of users compromised. Data including customer IDs, usernames, passwords, emails, names, addresses, city, province, postcode, gender, birthdate, phone, photo, regdate. BreachForums Data Breach January 29, 2024 High 1,648,030 lines of data exposed. Data including IDs, emails, first name, last name, encrypted passwords, roles, and other account information. BreachForums Data Breach February 21, 2024 High 13,586 records exposed. Data including usernames, emails, creation date, last logged activity. BreachForums Data Breach February 2, 2024 High 544,610 records exposed. Data including account IDs, profiles, names, emails, phone numbers, hashed passwords, usernames, city, country, etc. BreachForums Data Breach January 28, 2024 High 753,288 lines of data exposed. Data including ID, user_login, user_pass, user_nicename, user_email, user_url, user_registered, user_activation_key, user_status, display_name, spam, deleted. BreachForums Data Breach January 28, 2024 High 3,708,006 records exposed. Data including user_id, user_serial_no, user_device_id, pkg_name, user_token, country_code, device_os, device_model, referrer, google_aid, is_active, app_version, created_date_time, user_date, is_pro, is_checked. BreachForums

Tools Used

Information on specific tools used by Threat Actor 888 is not currently available.


Title URL Author
80,000 Records Exposed in Shell Data Breach Read Here DoingFedTime
UNICEF Hit by Threat Actor 888 Affecting 11 Countries Read Here BreachLock
Threat Actor 888 Claims Breach of Decathlon Database Read Here Cybersecurity News
Exclusive: Alleged Accenture IT Data Posted on BreachForums Read Here Cyber Daily
Threat Actors 888 Claimed a Compromise at Credit Suisse Read Here Red Hot Cyber
Threat Actor 888 Claims Compromise of BMW (Hong Kong) Customers Read Here Red Hot Cyber
Nestle (Brazil) Alleged Data Breach: Threat Actor 888 Exposes Employee Information Read Here Daily Dark Web

Known Associates

There are no known associates linked to Threat Actor 888 at this time.