Company Overview

  • Bureau van Dijk (BvD): A subsidiary of Moody's Corporation, BvD provides comprehensive business intelligence and company information. The company aggregates data from numerous sources to create a detailed repository of information on private and public companies worldwide.

2. Breach Details

  • Date of Announcement: April 21, 2024
  • Threat Actor: USD0D (a known figure in the data leak community)
  • Data Affected: US Consumer Database 2024, with 8.9 million records.
  • Data Format: CSV (Comma-Separated Values)
  • Data Fields: Includes sensitive consumer information (specific details not disclosed publicly).

3. Threat Actor Profile

  • Alias: USD0D
  • Activity History: Active in data trading forums since at least 2019.
  • Reputation: USD0D is known for leaking large datasets and has developed a significant reputation in underground communities.
  • Motivation: Personal satisfaction and reputation within the community, as stated in the post. The actor claims to be retiring from the scene.

4. Impact Analysis

  • Affected Individuals: 8.9 million US consumers.
  • Potential Risks:
    • Identity Theft: Exposure of personal data could lead to identity theft.
    • Financial Fraud: Sensitive financial details might be misused for fraudulent activities.
    • Privacy Violations: Personal information could be exploited for malicious purposes.
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