Company Overview

  • Name:
  • Industry: Health Information Management Systems
  • Platform: DHIS2 is an open-source software platform used globally for reporting, analysis, and dissemination of health data. It is widely adopted by governments and NGOs to track health programs, especially in resource-limited settings.

2. Breach Details

  • Date of Incident: Disclosed on November 4, 2023.
  • Threat Actor: The data breach was announced by a user known as "USDoD" on a popular hacking forum, BreachForums.
  • Data Compromised:
    • Full database leak
    • 32 million records
    • 2GB uncompressed
  • Exposed Information: The breached data includes usernames, passwords, and email addresses.
  • Breach Methodology: The exact method of how the data was exfiltrated is not disclosed. However, the user claimed to have kept the data private for several years before releasing it freely.

3. Threat Actor Profile

  • Alias: USDoD
  • Forum Activity:
    • Posts: 113
    • Threads: 33
    • Reputation: 881
  • Noteworthy Actions: USDoD has a history of leaking databases on BreachForums. The user self-banned after posting this breach, which suggests a calculated move to avoid detection or retaliation.
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