Company Overview

  • Organization: Gov.UK
  • Industry: Government
  • Service: Official government services and information for the United Kingdom

Breach Details

  • Date of Incident: May 6, 2024
  • Threat Actor: User "USDoD" on a dark web forum
  • Method of Breach: Exploitation of a misconfigured Content Delivery Network (CDN) system
  • Data Compromised: Usernames and passwords of over 1 million users; approximately 80,000 records released in the initial leak
  • Leak Description: The attacker claimed to have extracted data from the Gov.UK system due to a misconfiguration, providing a partial CSV database download link with 80,000 user records.
  • Data Exfiltration: The attacker made it clear they have more data and are monitoring global reactions before releasing the full database.

Threat Actor Profile

  • Alias: USDoD
  • Forum Activity: The attacker was active on a well-known dark web forum and has since self-banned their account after posting the breach.
  • Motivation: Unclear, but the threat actor warned that they are monitoring global activities, hinting at possible future releases or extortion.

Impact Analysis

  • Potential Risks:
    • User Credential Exposure: The leaked usernames and passwords could lead to account takeovers, particularly if users reuse passwords across different services.
    • Phishing & Fraud: Attackers may use the compromised data for phishing attacks, potentially leading to identity theft or financial fraud.
    • Government Services Disruption: The breach could undermine trust in UK government services, leading to a significant public relations issue and a need for increased security measures.
  • Scale of Impact: The leak affects over 1 million users, with 80,000 records already exposed. This could escalate if the full database is released.
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