Access for Sale
Company Overview
- Industry: Transportation, Logistics, Supply Chain, and Storage
- Services: Freight & Logistics Services
- Revenue: $7 Million
Breach Details
- Date of Listing: August 11, 2024
- Threat Actor: ZeroSevenGroup
- Access for Sale: Full network access to the company's internal systems.
- Access Type: VPN and Administrator-level access.
- Price: $10,000
- Transaction Method: Deal conducted via a trusted middleman on the dark web.
Threat Actor Profile: ZeroSevenGroup
- Background: ZeroSevenGroup is a known cybercriminal group that operates on dark web forums, specializing in selling unauthorized access to corporate networks.
- Reputation: The group has a mid-level reputation, indicating moderate activity and reliability in the cybercrime community.
- Primary Activities: Selling network access, particularly to companies in high-value sectors like logistics, manufacturing, and finance.
Impact Analysis
- Potential Risks:
- Data Theft: The attackers could access sensitive customer and operational data.
- Operational Disruption: Unauthorized access could lead to system outages or manipulation of logistics operations.
- Financial Loss: The sale of access could result in ransomware attacks, data leaks, or other financial crimes targeting the company.
- Wider Implications: If exploited, this breach could disrupt supply chains, affecting customers and partners dependent on the company's logistics services.