Company Overview

  • Name: BPOTech JSC
  • Industry: Offshore Development Services, specializing in IT solutions for Japanese companies.
  • Years of Operation: 10+ years
  • Website:
  • Location: Vietnam

Breach Details

  • Date of Breach: 2024 (Exact date unspecified)
  • Data Type: SQL Database
  • Data Volume: Over 20 million lines of data

Threat Actor Profile

  • Source: X0Frankenstein, a reputed "GOD User" on the forum where the breach was disclosed.
  • Forum Reputation: X0Frankenstein has a high reputation (310 points), indicating reliability and a history of sharing accurate information.
  • Method of Breach: Details on how the breach was executed are not provided, but it is clear that a large SQL database was compromised.

Impact Analysis

  • Affected Parties: Likely includes clients of BPOTech, particularly Japanese companies that outsource IT development to Vietnam.
  • Potential Risks:
    • Data Exposure: Sensitive corporate data, possibly including client details, project information, and financial records.
    • Reputational Damage: BPOTech’s reputation, particularly in the Japanese market, could suffer due to the breach.
    • Operational Disruption: Clients might reconsider their outsourcing arrangements, leading to potential financial losses.
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