Company Overview

  • Company Name: Undisclosed Large Data Analytics Company
  • Industry: Business Intelligence/Data Analytics
  • Estimated Revenue: $268 Million
  • Data Impacted: Over 400 million records

Breach Details

  • Date of Announcement: April 17, 2024
  • Threat Actor: USDoD (Pseudonym)
  • Platform Used: Dark Web Forum
  • Type of Data Compromised:
    • Personal data between individuals and private companies
    • Potentially sensitive business intelligence data

The threat actor "USDoD" claimed to have access to a US web portal of a large data analytics company, with intentions to sell this data. They referenced a significant volume, over 400 million records, involving interactions between individuals and the private sector. This incident highlights a potential large-scale breach affecting both business and personal data.

Threat Actor Profile

  • Alias: USDoD
  • Reputation on Forum: High (Reputation score: 881)
  • Status: Self-banned (likely to avoid being tracked or identified)
  • Previous Activity: Likely experienced in data breaches based on reputation and forum activity.
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