. Company Overview

  • Name: Target Corporation
  • Industry: Retail
  • Headquarters: Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
  • Number of Stores: Over 1,900 locations across the United States
  • Employees: Approximately 450,000

Target is one of the largest retail chains in the United States, known for its wide range of products from groceries to electronics. The company is a major player in the retail sector, catering to millions of customers annually.

Breach Details

  • Date of Breach: January 2023
  • Date of Leak Announcement: January 19, 2024
  • Threat Actor: IntelBroker (BreachForums Administrator)
  • Data Compromised:
    • Total Records: 800,000 rows
    • Types of Data:
      • GST_ID
      • First Name
      • Activation Status
      • Transaction history (last 30 days)
      • RCAM, paperless, and other loyalty program data
      • Store-related data: address, city, state, zip code
      • Perishables, pharmacy, optical, and clinic services data
      • Store photos and RedCard savings information

The breach was publicly disclosed on BreachForums by a user named IntelBroker, who is believed to be a key figure in the data leaking community.

Threat Actor Profile

  • Name: IntelBroker
  • Role: Administrator on BreachForums, a notorious hacking forum known for trading and leaking sensitive data.
  • Activities: IntelBroker is known for facilitating the trade and distribution of data stolen from various companies, often posting large datasets for download to members of the BreachForums community.

IntelBroker has a reputation within the cybercriminal community for targeting large corporations and releasing data to the public, either for monetary gain or to damage the reputation of the affected company.

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