🏢 Company Overview:

Uber Technologies Inc. is a global leader in ride-hailing and food delivery services. Known primarily for its flagship ride-sharing platform, Uber has also expanded into various areas such as food delivery through Uber Eats, freight transportation, and autonomous vehicle research. Headquartered in San Francisco, California, Uber operates in over 900 metropolitan areas worldwide.

🔍 Breach Details:

  • Date of Breach: November 2023
  • Discovered: November 27, 2023
  • Affected Service: Uber Eats (New York-based data)
  • Data Compromised:
    • Trip distance
    • Fare amount
    • Pickup longitude and latitude
    • Additional features and predictions
  • Volume: Approximately 1.4 million entries
  • Leak Source: The data was leaked on BreachForums, a notorious platform known for sharing hacked data. The user IntelBroker, an administrator on the forum, made the data available for download to the community.

🎭 Threat Actor Profile:

  • Alias: IntelBroker
  • Forum Role: Administrator on BreachForums
  • Reputation: High (4,290 points)
  • Activity: Active since June 2023, with 1,586 posts and 275 threads, indicating a well-established presence within the cybercriminal community.
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