OPSEC   -   Feb 21, 2024 Signal's New Update- Your Number, Your Privacy!

Introducing usernames and phone number privacy on Signal! We’re making it possible for people to connect with each other without having to share phone numbers. Now launching to beta users, available for everyone soon. — Signal (@signalapp) February 20, 2024 Enhancing Privacy on Signal Signal has

by DoingFedTime
FBI   -   Dec 23, 2023 FBI vs ALPHV Blackcat - Cybercrime Warfare Tactics
alphv blackcat

I just dropped a new video on the channel, and this one’s a deep dive into the FBI’s confrontation with ALPHV Blackcat, the ransomware group that’s been making waves. No fancy talk here, just a straightforward look at what’s really happening. In the video, I break

by DoingFedTime
federal law   -   Jul 10, 2023 The Georgetown Law Journal
the georgetown law journal

An In-depth Look at the Georgetown Law Journal Annual Review of Criminal Procedure In the intricate and complex sphere of law, the Annual Review of Criminal Procedure (ARCP) by the Georgetown Law Journal provides an exceptional and insightful guide. The ARCP is a comprehensive survey of all aspects of criminal

by DoingFedTime
supreme court   -   Jun 24, 2023 Re-examining the Supreme Court's Decision on Post-Conviction Challenges: A Case for Legal Evolution?
supreme court

The Supreme Court’s recent ruling raises pertinent questions about acknowledging legal advancements in post-conviction challenges. The verdict, favoring the conviction of a federal prisoner, Marcus Jones, adds a considerable layer of complexity for other federal inmates wishing to question their sentences in light of subsequent legal shifts. Implications for

by DoingFedTime
county jail   -   Jun 24, 2023 Pervasive Violence and Negligence: A Bleak Glimpse Into LA's Nightmare Prisons
bloody prison doorway

An Unchecked Brutality: Inside the Dark Underbelly of LA’s Prisons Imagine a world where prisoners are seen as less than human, where violence is the norm and care is the exception. This is not a dystopian novel. It is the grim reality of the LA prison system. A chilling,

by DoingFedTime
OPSEC   -   Feb 21, 2024 Signal's New Update- Your Number, Your Privacy!

Introducing usernames and phone number privacy on Signal! We’re making it possible for people to connect with each other without having to share phone numbers. Now launching to beta users, available for everyone soon. — Signal (@signalapp) February 20, 2024 Enhancing Privacy on Signal Signal has

by DoingFedTime
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OPSEC   -   Feb 21, 2024 Signal's New Update- Your Number, Your Privacy!

Introducing usernames and phone number privacy on Signal! We’re making it possible for people to connect with each other without having to share phone numbers. Now launching to beta users, available for everyone soon. — Signal (@signalapp) February 20, 2024 Enhancing Privacy on Signal Signal has

by DoingFedTime
darknet   -   Jan 28, 2024 Dark.Fail Goes Dark - Lessons from the Darknet's Underbelly
dark. Fail darknet index down

What is Dark.Fail, and who cares? Dark.Fail has been a go-to spot for many in the Darknet/dark web community, acting like a directory or guide to what’s out there in the dark corners of the web. It’s an index site that lists various Darknet sites

by DoingFedTime
Digital privacy   -   Jan 02, 2024 Decoding IncogniGate: What Google's Lawsuit Means for Your Privacy in 2024

Google’s Landmark Legal Settlement: Unveiling the Intricacies of Incognito Mode In a notable development in the realm of digital privacy, Google has reached a settlement in a lawsuit filed in June 2020. Highlighted in The New York Times, this lawsuit brought to light significant misconceptions regarding the privacy of

by DoingFedTime
Blockchain Technology   -   Dec 30, 2023 Rising Threat - Phishing Attacks Draining Cryptocurrency Wallets
cryptocurrency btc hacking

As the digital currency landscape evolves, cybersecurity experts are increasingly concerned about the rise in sophisticated phishing attacks. These attacks, known for their ability to drain cryptocurrency wallets, are becoming more prevalent and complex. Check Point researchers Oded Vanunu, Dikla Barda, and Roman Zaikin have recently shed light on this

by DoingFedTime
FBI   -   Dec 23, 2023 FBI vs ALPHV Blackcat - Cybercrime Warfare Tactics
alphv blackcat

I just dropped a new video on the channel, and this one’s a deep dive into the FBI’s confrontation with ALPHV Blackcat, the ransomware group that’s been making waves. No fancy talk here, just a straightforward look at what’s really happening. In the video, I break

by DoingFedTime
federal law   -   Jul 10, 2023 The Georgetown Law Journal
the georgetown law journal

An In-depth Look at the Georgetown Law Journal Annual Review of Criminal Procedure In the intricate and complex sphere of law, the Annual Review of Criminal Procedure (ARCP) by the Georgetown Law Journal provides an exceptional and insightful guide. The ARCP is a comprehensive survey of all aspects of criminal

by DoingFedTime
supreme court   -   Jun 24, 2023 Re-examining the Supreme Court's Decision on Post-Conviction Challenges: A Case for Legal Evolution?
supreme court

The Supreme Court’s recent ruling raises pertinent questions about acknowledging legal advancements in post-conviction challenges. The verdict, favoring the conviction of a federal prisoner, Marcus Jones, adds a considerable layer of complexity for other federal inmates wishing to question their sentences in light of subsequent legal shifts. Implications for

by DoingFedTime
county jail   -   Jun 24, 2023 Pervasive Violence and Negligence: A Bleak Glimpse Into LA's Nightmare Prisons
bloody prison doorway

An Unchecked Brutality: Inside the Dark Underbelly of LA’s Prisons Imagine a world where prisoners are seen as less than human, where violence is the norm and care is the exception. This is not a dystopian novel. It is the grim reality of the LA prison system. A chilling,

by DoingFedTime
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