🏢 Company Overview:

  • Organization: United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
  • Division: Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR)
  • Function: The ASPR is responsible for preparing the nation for public health emergencies and managing the federal response to emergencies.

🕵️ Breach Details:

  • Date of Incident: July 27, 2023
  • Discovered By: IntelBroker (BreachForums Operative)
  • Nature of Breach: Unauthorized access and subsequent leak of sensitive emails.
  • Content Leaked: Internal communications, specifically Requests for Information (RFI) related to COVID-19 responses, including:
    • Subjects Discussed:
      • Wuhan Mission at Travis Air Force Base (AFB), Feb/Mar 2020
      • HHS Reports on Drug Usage for COVID-19 (2020-2021)
    • Details Shared:
      • RFI status, deadlines, event names, and specific requests for data, particularly regarding repatriated individuals from Wuhan, China, and cruise ships affected early in the pandemic.

🎭 Threat Actor Profile:

  • Alias: IntelBroker
  • Forum: BreachForums
  • Reputation: Established member with 1,586 posts and a reputation score of 4,290.
  • Motivation: While the post suggests the data is minimal and not highly sensitive, the motivation could range from demonstrating access capabilities to selling the data to interested parties.

💥 Impact Analysis:

  • Potential Impact:
    • Operational Risks: The leak could expose HHS internal processes and hamper future emergency response efforts.
    • Privacy Concerns: Sensitive personal information of repatriated individuals might be at risk, though not confirmed.
    • Reputational Damage: The breach may erode public trust in HHS's ability to safeguard sensitive information.
  • Affected Stakeholders: HHS personnel, repatriated individuals, and military personnel involved in COVID-19 missions.
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