


The Coinbase-SEC Subpoena Showdown
coinbase   -   Aug 17, 2024 The Coinbase-SEC Subpoena Showdown

The SEC has petitioned a New York court to block Coinbase's sweeping subpoena, arguing that it is overly broad and burdensome. The outcome of this case could have significant implications for the future of cryptocurrency regulation in the U.S. #SECBattle #Coinbase #CryptoRegulation

by Sam Bent
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coinbase   -   Aug 17, 2024 The Coinbase-SEC Subpoena Showdown
The Coinbase-SEC Subpoena Showdown

The SEC has petitioned a New York court to block Coinbase's sweeping subpoena, arguing that it is overly broad and burdensome. The outcome of this case could have significant implications for the future of cryptocurrency regulation in the U.S. #SECBattle #Coinbase #CryptoRegulation

by Sam Bent
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