


coinbase   -   Aug 17, 2024 The Coinbase-SEC Subpoena Showdown
The Coinbase-SEC Subpoena Showdown

The SEC has petitioned a New York court to block Coinbase's sweeping subpoena, arguing that it is overly broad and burdensome. The outcome of this case could have significant implications for the future of cryptocurrency regulation in the U.S. #SECBattle #Coinbase #CryptoRegulation

darknet discussions   -   May 17, 2024 Darknet Discussions E02: LocalMonero, Benzo Boy, Haveno, DoxBin
Darknet Discussions E02: LocalMonero, Benzo Boy, Haveno, DoxBin

In Episode 2, we address viewer feedback, discuss drug legalization, analyze the "Benzo Boy" case, and the closure of LocalMonero. We also introduce Haveno, a new decentralized platform, and explore the challenges and future of the darknet business.

Federal Agencies Quietly Transfer 10,000 Bitcoin
cryptocurrency   -   Aug 18, 2024 Federal Agencies Quietly Transfer 10,000 Bitcoin

The U.S. government recently transferred 10,000 Bitcoin, worth nearly $600 million, to a Coinbase account, raising concerns about the lack of transparency and potential market manipulation. #BitcoinTransfer #GovernmentSecrets #CryptoMarket

by Sam Bent
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Latest Articles 6 Articles
cryptocurrency   -   Aug 18, 2024 Federal Agencies Quietly Transfer 10,000 Bitcoin
Federal Agencies Quietly Transfer 10,000 Bitcoin

The U.S. government recently transferred 10,000 Bitcoin, worth nearly $600 million, to a Coinbase account, raising concerns about the lack of transparency and potential market manipulation. #BitcoinTransfer #GovernmentSecrets #CryptoMarket

by Sam Bent
coinbase   -   Aug 17, 2024 The Coinbase-SEC Subpoena Showdown
The Coinbase-SEC Subpoena Showdown

The SEC has petitioned a New York court to block Coinbase's sweeping subpoena, arguing that it is overly broad and burdensome. The outcome of this case could have significant implications for the future of cryptocurrency regulation in the U.S. #SECBattle #Coinbase #CryptoRegulation

by Sam Bent
darknet discussions   -   May 17, 2024 Darknet Discussions E02: LocalMonero, Benzo Boy, Haveno, DoxBin
Darknet Discussions E02: LocalMonero, Benzo Boy, Haveno, DoxBin

In Episode 2, we address viewer feedback, discuss drug legalization, analyze the "Benzo Boy" case, and the closure of LocalMonero. We also introduce Haveno, a new decentralized platform, and explore the challenges and future of the darknet business.

by Sam Bent
Monero   -   May 07, 2024 End of an Era: LocalMonero / AgoraDesk to Close After Nearly 7 Years
End of an Era: LocalMonero / AgoraDesk to Close After Nearly 7 Years

After nearly seven years of operation, LocalMonero and AgoraDesk, pivotal platforms within the Monero (XMR) community, have announced their upcoming closure. This decision reflects a "mixture of internal dynamics and external pressures" that have reshaped their operational landscape.

by Sam Bent
cryptocurrency   -   Apr 15, 2024 If Countries Were Cryptocurrencies
If Countries Were Cryptocurrencies

Digital currencies are becoming as influential as traditional economies, it’s fascinating to imagine if a cryptocurrency represented each country. Just as cryptocurrencies vary in attributes and purposes, so do countries in their cultural, economic, and technological landscapes. Here’s a speculative and engaging look at which cryptocurrencies might best

by DoingFedTime
arrest   -   Mar 14, 2024 Bitcoin Fog Clears: Sterlingov's Capture and Why it Doesn’t Matter to the Darknet
bitcoin fog darknet

In the grand (security) theater of cybercrime busts, the conviction of Roman Sterlingov, the operator behind Bitcoin Fog, has been hailed as a landmark victory. Yet, for those of us who’ve navigated the shadowy corridors of the Darknet, this event is but a drop in the ocean. To categorize

by DoingFedTime
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