Company Overview

  • Name: TOne Academy
  • Industry: Academic and Online Course Training
  • Location: Brazil (
  • Service: Provides educational resources and training courses across various subjects.

Breach Details

  • Date of Breach: January 2024
  • Threat Actor: IntelBroker
  • Platform Used for Disclosure: BreachForums
  • Data Compromised:
    • 400,000+ lines of user information
    • Full Names
    • Industry Details
    • Career Positions
    • Email Addresses
    • Partial Physical Locations

In January 2024, TOne Academy, a prominent online course and training platform based in Brazil, suffered a significant data breach. The breach was carried out by the well-known hacker IntelBroker, who publicly disclosed the database on BreachForums, a notorious site for leaking compromised information.

Threat Actor Profile

  • Alias: IntelBroker
  • Reputation: High (4,291 reputation on BreachForums)
  • Activity: Active since June 2023, with over 1,500 posts and nearly 300 threads.
  • Role: Administrator and prominent BreachForums operative known for leaking significant amounts of sensitive data from various organizations.
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