🏢 Company Overview

This report concerns multiple major pipeline and energy companies in the United States, including:

  • ARM Energy Management, LLC
  • PSEG Power LLC
  • Cranberry Pipeline
  • Entergy Louisiana, LLC
  • Enbridge Gas Inc.
  • Morningstar Inc.
  • DK Trading & Supply, LLC
  • Enercross LLC
  • And several others.

These companies are significant players in the energy sector, handling crucial resources and infrastructure in the United States.

🔍 Incident Overview

  • Date of Incident: January 20, 2024
  • Platform: BreachForums, a known cybercrime forum
  • Threat Actor: IntelBroker
  • Type of Incident: Unauthorized Data Leak

On January 20, 2024, a notorious cybercriminal operating under the alias IntelBroker posted on BreachForums, claiming to have obtained and leaked private cryptographic keys belonging to several major U.S. pipeline companies. These keys include:

  • PGP Passphrases
  • PGP Private Keys
  • PGP Public Keys

The source of this data remains unclear, but the leak suggests that there may have been a security breach or a compromise in the systems or networks of these companies, allowing the attacker to obtain these sensitive keys.

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