1. Company Overview

  • Name: Equation Corp. (Fictitious)
  • Industry: Mobile Gaming
  • Flagship Product: Lord of Heroes - A popular mobile game with millions of downloads globally.
  • User Base: Predominantly teenagers and young adults.

Source Code Details

  • Date of Source Code Leak: January 10, 2024
  • Threat Actor: Known by the alias "USDoD" on underground forums.
  • Data Compromised:
    • Full build of the mobile game Lord of Heroes.
    • Approximate size: 100 GB.
    • Total files: 300,000.
  • Source Code leak Method: Likely involved exploiting security vulnerabilities in Equation Corp.'s development environment, allowing the attacker to exfiltrate the entire source code.
  • Distribution: The leak was advertised on a dark web forum, with the download hidden behind a paywall requiring "credits" to access.

Threat Actor Profile

  • Alias: USDoD
  • Reputation: Established presence on hacking forums, with over 100 posts and a reputation score of 881.
  • Past Activity: Likely involved in other high-profile leaks, suggesting a pattern of targeting valuable digital assets for financial gain or notoriety.
  • Current Status: The account used to post the leak is banned, possibly self-imposed or due to forum policies.
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